On this page you will see kata's in three forms; Okinawa, Japanese, and American (Goju Ryu - Goju Kai - USA Goju Ryu - PanAmerican Goju Ryu. The bases of all these kata have remained the same but you will see a slight difference from teacher to student. This page was created as a source of information to show I am not making these changes myself. Each Sensei/Teacher has their own concept of these kata's and the hidden techniques (Bunki) in them. Each Sensei/teacher concept of these kata's open them up to more hidden techniques (Bunki). I hope you enjoy the videos and they open your mind to all that is Goju Ryu.
Gogen Yamaguchi, Goju Ryu Karate
O'Sensei Peter G. Urban, USA Goju Ryu Karate